Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I am currently sitting in my office procrastinating. That's right, I'm sitting here, writing about procrastination, rather than doing what I should be doing. The easy stuff that does not take long is not my problem...It's the stuff that seems never-ending that I tend to put off...like research, something I have become quite familiar with as a history major.

I just finished my lesson plan/worksheets for tomorrow, fully intending on moving on to a little research. Maybe it would help if I cared a little more. I know it would help if my project that I need to be researching were due soon. I have a few weeks, which means I will probably continue to put off my research until the last possible moment, and then my project will not be up to my standards, but I'll hand it anyway because something is better than nothing at all, at least as far as my grade goes.

Federalists, Anti-Federalists, and the American Dream...hmmmm...I picked this topic because I thought, "Well, I don't know a lot about this, so now is a great time to learn." That was week one, before I fell back into my not-so-positive-about-learning slump. Well, such is life, and being the semi-diligent student that I am, I better get to work, or my soon-to-be-due bibliography will be a nice list of sources that I have not read. Au revoir!

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